Nominees for the Next Dean of the College of Medicine

Posted on May 09, 2024

The Search Committee received two (2) nominations for the Next Dean of the College of Medicine. The nominees have complied with the requirements based on the call for nominations. Below are the official names of the nominees:

1. Dr. Charlotte M. Chiong
2. Dr. Rafael C. Bundoc

Timetable of Activities:

• May 16, 2024 (Thursday, 9AM-12NN) - Presentation of Flagship Projects of the Nominees and Public Forum
- Venue: Buenafe Auditorium, 3rd Floor, Calderon Hall, UPCM
- Zoom (for those who cannot attend F2F): Details will be sent to UP email

• May 16, 2024 (Thursday) - Sectoral Consultations (Students, Faculty, Administrative Staff/ REPS, and Alumni)
- Venue: Zoom (links will be sent to each sector via email a few days before the activity)
A. Faculty: 1PM-2PM
B. Students: 2PM-3PM
C. Alumni: 3PM-4PM
D. Admin & REPS: 4PM-5PM

• May 21, 2024 (Tuesday, 10AM) - Interview of Nominees by the Search Committee
- Venue: A.G. Sison Conference Room, 1st Floor, Calderon Hall, UPCM

• May 31, 2024 (Friday, 5PM) - Submission of the Report of the Search Committee to the Chancellor

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