[WEBINAR] Managing Different Types of Acne Across the life Span

Posted on February 05, 2024

The UPCM Class of 1999 invites everyone to watch our second UP MED WEBINAR entitled “Managing Different Types of Acne Across the Life Span” on Wednesday, February 7, 12:00 to 1:00 pm.

Dr. Maria Jasmin J. Jamora, Vice President of the Philippine Dermatological Society, is our lecturer for that day.

Viewing platforms:

via ZOOM: https://up-edu.zoom.us/.../regi.../WN_GEKlz3GKRiiI1ldY6-6aAQ

via UPM LIVESTREAM: https://livestream.upm.edu.ph

VIA UP MED WEBINARS 2024 FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/282159307396442