Adapting to the new normal

Posted on November 26, 2021

Being there.

Adapting to the new normal.

One of our faculty, Prof. Joie Cañal, MD, shares her thoughts on teaching and learning in these challenging times.

It wasn’t planned.

Last Monday, I gave the Intro to Radiology lecture online to our LU5 class, UPCM 2024. At the end of the lecture, I told them that if they wanted (ie. not required), I could tour those who lived nearby around the Dept of Radiology.

80 students signed up!

We divided the students into small groups and, over the course of 2 hours (spread out over 3 days), toured them around the linear accelerator and brachy areas, ultrasound, CT scan, MRI, x-ray, cath lab. We gave them an idea of the kind of work we do and shared a few interesting cases.

Everyone was masked. No eating, no drinking.

And they loved it!

So far, the feedback is all positive and that they finally feel like medical students. They say that they learned a lot in those 2 short hours.

My own personal learning from this:

- this pandemic is a huge injustice for our students. They hadn’t seen each other for 20 months… their own classmates!

- they learn faster if the thing is right in front of them

- they are just as tired as I am of online everything. They are ready for some face-to-face.

Here’s hoping!