Pioneering Excellence in Medical Education

Pioneering Excellence in Medical Education

June 17, 2024

Pioneering Excellence in Medical Education

By Mitchell Jared De Silva, UPCM Class 2025

As the 17th Dean of the UP College of Medicine, Dean Charlotte Chiong has achieved significant milestones and breakthroughs. Her background as a research professor at the National Institutes of Health and as an accomplished clinician paved the way to her eventual ascent to deanship. This extraordinary journey has molded her into the exemplary leader she is today. Those of us who have witnessed her career gain valuable insights and are inspired to emulate her zeal and dedication in improving medical education in the country.

Dean Charlotte Chiong M. Chiong, MD, PHD

Dean Chiong graduated summa cum laude with a BS in Zoology from the University of the Philippines Diliman and earned her Doctor of Medicine from the UP College of Medicine. She completed her residency in Otorhinolaryngology at UP-PGH, followed by fellowships in Otology at Harvard Medical School and Neurotology-Skull Base Surgery at the University of Toronto. Additionally, she holds a PhD in Medical Sciences from Radboud University. Throughout her career, she has held significant roles, starting as a Clinical Professor at the UP College of Medicine. She then served as the UP Manila Vice Chancellor for Planning and Development before transitioning to PGH as the Deputy Director for Health Operations. Currently, she holds the rank of Research Professor 12. Dean Chiong has also served as the former Director of the National Institute of Health (NIH) Philippine National Ear Institute and Newborn Hearing Reference Center. In 2021, she was elected as an academician of the National Academy of Science and Technology and received recognition as a University Scientist 3, along with being awarded the One UP Professorial Chair in Research and Public Service.

Shaping Leadership through Experience

Dean Charlotte Chiong's professional journey and early struggles were instrumental in shaping her leadership approach during her deanship. Her experiences during clerkship, where she confronted the limited resources in both the college and hospital settings, profoundly influenced her perspective on the challenges in medical education and patient care. These formative years fueled her commitment to addressing systemic challenges and enhancing the overall quality of medical training in the college. Her specialization in Otorhinolaryngology not only broadened her perspective but also deepened her understanding of healthcare delivery and the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration. These experiences strengthened her dedication to improving medical education and patient care delivery.

Her exposure to local institutions such as the Philippine General Hospital and the National Institutes of Health, coupled with her international training and leadership roles, acquainted her with advanced medical technologies and methodologies. This experience underscored the crucial role of research in driving progress and addressing local healthcare disparities. Her global perspective reinforced her belief in utilizing research-driven solutions to enhance healthcare services in the Philippines, a principle that significantly influenced her priorities as dean. As the current President of the Asean Medical Schools Network, she has capitalized on UPCM's pioneering efforts in leading medical education in the country to foster international collaborations. The ultimate goal is to cultivate a broader vision for revolutionizing medical education, aiming for a future where societies are healthier, and equity and social accountability are integral parts of health systems.

The Road to Deanship

Dean Charlotte Chiong recounts the path that led her to the deanship during one of the most challenging periods. Her journey began under the previous dean, Dr. Agnes Mejia, who called her one day to ask her about writing a paper on, “How can PGH help the Filipino People Better.” She was keenly aware that profound changes needed to be made for better healthcare delivery in PGH. In 2015, higher administration officials proposed the idea of her running for the deanship. However, at that time, Dr. Chiong’s father was severely ill, thus requiring her full attention and making it difficult for her to accept the invitation.

Years later, the opportunity arose again during a critical period for the academic center, marked by a construction mishap that resulted in a sinkhole where the old lecture rooms once stood. Dr. Chiong's extensive administrative experience, including her tenure as Vice Chancellor for Planning and Development, equipped her to manage the challenge and oversee the reconstruction of the building upon assuming the deanship.

Her nomination to the deanship came while she was on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. At the Wailing Wall, she wrote her wish, asking the Lord to bless her potential new endeavor for the next three years. The nomination was made by a professor emeritus, no less than the esteemed Professor Nelia Maramba. This was particularly inspiring because Professor Maramba, a great teacher in pharmacology, had profoundly impacted Charlotte as a student. The endorsement from Professor Maramba was eventually affirmed by the UP Board of Regents. Dean Chiong assumed her post at the UP College of Medicine in 2018.

Building Foundations for Academic Advancement

Upon assuming the deanship, one of Dean Chiong's initial actions was to gather student feedback. Significant issues were uncovered, such as students having to conduct laboratory work even in bathroom cubicles. Despite the enormity of these challenges, Dean Chiong's commitment was only strengthened; it fueled her resolve to leverage her extensive network, driven by her profound love for the institution, to effect positive change.

In addition to addressing these problem areas, Dean Chiong has long encouraged the community to share in her vision to implement the six pillars of her flagship program, InSPIRE. This program aims to promote the development of Infrastructure, Science and Discovery, Partnerships, Innovation in Medical Education, Resource Stewardship, and Empowerment.

Dean Chiong during the ceremonial turnover of Henry Sy Sr. Medical Sciences Building to UPCM

In prioritizing infrastructure, Dean Chiong ensured that the new Henry Sy Sr. Medical Sciences Building would provide ample space for students. She devoted significant effort to selecting reliable contractors and engaging with donors and stakeholders to support its construction. However, a major issue arose – the building needed to be relocated to a larger site. This required substantial funding, which Dean Chiong successfully secured through strategic partnerships and generous donations. Her approach in managing the construction led to the eventual opening of the facility during her second term as Dean. This was no small accomplishment, especially considering that the building was completed during the pandemic.

Fostering Research and Innovation

Dean Chiong prioritized strategic investments in both infrastructure and digitalization, recognizing their critical role in effective teaching and learning. She understood that modern, well-equipped facilities were essential for high-quality medical education, ensuring that students had access to these resources to excel. This became especially crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic, as the transition to online learning highlighted the necessity for a robust digital infrastructure to sustain medical education.

Dean Chiong placed a strong emphasis on research, recognizing its critical role in advancing medical knowledge and improving healthcare outcomes. She actively encouraged both students and faculty to pursue research opportunities, leveraging research grants and collaborations to facilitate the use of diverse expertise and resources. This drove innovation in addressing healthcare challenges and aimed to keep the college at the forefront of medical science and education. Her commitment to research excellence is reflected in her vision to 'elevate the level of scholarship of our community,' fostering a culture of research and guiding investments toward effective initiatives. Notably, her support led to the development of the Advanced Skills Laboratory and the Surgical Innovations and Biotechnology Hub (UP SIBOL). The exponential growth in research output, as indicated by citation indexes and the quantity of research from UPCM reported by, is a testament to her impactful leadership during her term.

The staff of the UPCM Inspire Magazine with Dean Charlotte Chiong

Visionary Leadership for a Brighter Future

Dr. Charlotte Chiong's vision is to improve the quality of medical education. Her journey to the deanship, enabled by her extensive medical and academic background, is driven by a profound sense of purpose and dedication. Taking stock of her early struggles and formative experiences, she envisions a future where medical education transcends challenges and reaches new heights of excellence and relevance.

Her endeavors as Dean of the UP College of Medicine are realized by harnessing the brightest minds of our community. By providing them with the best resources and opportunities to learn and grow, she fosters research excellence and creates innovative learning environments, aiming to motivate a generation of physicians who are not only skilled but also compassionate towards the underserved.

Dean Charlotte Chiong's vast experience is reflected in her impactful deanship, marked by relentless efforts and continuous pursuits. She has remained true to her vision, becoming a leader who not only delivers but also greatly inspires.